Wiltshire Coach passes Level Three Qualification!

Published On: August 6, 2024

Coach Bowls is delighted to announce that Nigel Morgan, County Coach and Coordinator for Wiltshire, Coach Bowls Tutor and Assessor.

Nigel is only the third person in England to be awarded the Level Three Certificate in Coaching Bowls. Nigel is especially proud of his work on Inclusion in the sport for all abilities. He has participated in the IBBA, International Blind Bowlers Association, World Championships 2023 in Gold Coast Australia with two bronze medals, and the recent IBD, International Bowls for Disabled, in Johannesburg, South Africa as a Coach/Director. He is also the International Squad Coach for VIBE, Visually Impaired Bowls England.

Nigel was also instrumental in setting up the Wiltshire Youth Academy. He has been ably supported by Sue Fletcher, Tricia Parkes, Gerry Ward and Wiltshire Coaches. It is hoped that this group will encourage young people to participate in our sport. He is also a prominent member of the Coach Bowls Workforce as a Tutor/Assessor and runs an average of five courses a year. Nigel said “it is a very proud day when I see the candidates achieve the very high standards required to achieve their qualification. It is especially true when I see them a few years later as their technical skills, knowledge and interpersonal skills are increased and enhanced. Coach Bowls is the pinnacle of Coaching skills and I fully endorse the qualification. My own skills have been enhanced with the Level 3 course and my skills increase every day, as they say, “every day is a school day””. He also has co-written the Visually Impaired Directors course with David Stott from VIBE.

Wiltshire Bowls Association Administrator said:

On behalf of Bowls Wiltshire, many congratulations to our County Development Officer and member of Haydon Wick BC Nigel Morgan on attaining his Level 3 Coaching Qualification, the first in the County.
The qualification has taken a lot of time and hard work to achieve but will now greatly benefit those bowlers with disabilities and members of our Youth Academy that, as CDO, Nigel works with.

Tony Kilburn – Executive Chairman Bowls Wiltshire

Congratulations to Nigel from everyone at Coach Bowls 

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